


このリーフレットで初めて紹介する新商品は壁面をうまく活用した収納アイテムSOFT LOOP SHELF。それまでのリーフレットの表紙背景はグレー単色だったのですが、このvol.3からその時々の新商品に関係した抽象的なモノクロ写真を背景に使用するようになりました。


SOGUリーフレット vol.3 の表紙

SOGU, which began its journey in the spring of 2018, has been publishing its leaflets in A3-sized four-page from its very first one up to the present year of 2023.

The photograph featured here adorns the backdrop of the cover for vol.3 (released in July 2019).

Though we provide small goods, our designs are always mindful of the the “moments when they’re not in use,” and the “environments they are placed within.”

Introducing a new product for the first time in this leaflet, the SOFT LOOP SHELF is a storage item designed to effectively use wall space. Prior to vol.3, our cover backgrounds were a simple gray. However, from vol.3 onward, we began incorporating abstract monochrome photographs that relate to the featured new product of the moment.

This photograph captures a corner of a real, existing space. At first glance, it might resemble an illustrated backdrop, but upon closer inspection, its photographic nature becomes evident. We believe it has evolved into an exceptionally captivating cover that exudes an enchanting atmosphere.